You are viewing the documentation for an older major version of the AWS SDK for JavaScript.
The modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3), the latest major version of AWS SDK for JavaScript, is now stable and recommended for general use. For more information, see the Migration Guide and API Reference.

Module: s3util

Defined in:

Method Summary collapse

Method Details

loadUseArnRegionConfig(req) ⇒ void

validateArnAccount(req) ⇒ void

Validate account ID from ARN supplied in Bucket parameter is a valid account

validateArnRegion(req) ⇒ void

Validate region field in ARN supplied in Bucket parameter is a valid region

validateArnService(req) ⇒ void

Validate service component from ARN supplied in Bucket parameter

validateOutpostsAccessPointArn(req) ⇒ void

Validate Outposts ARN supplied in Bucket parameter is a valid outposts ARN

validateOutpostsArn(req) ⇒ void

Validate Outposts ARN supplied in Bucket parameter is a valid outposts ARN

validatePopulateUriFromArn(req) ⇒ void

Validations before URI can be populated

validateS3AccessPointArn(req) ⇒ void

Validate ARN supplied in Bucket parameter is a valid access point ARN